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Key Features

20+ nice theme concept ready

Advanced 60+

Visual Composer Elements

Highly developed long time best seller Visual Composer plugin saves your time you have ever imagined. The page builder gives you full control over content and it's responsiveness. Create responsive websites over 144+ content elements and with our advanced 60 elements.

20+ Revolution sliders

Responsive Slider Plugin

Slider Revolution is an innovative, responsive WordPress Slider Plugin that displays your content the beautiful way. Whether it’s a Slider, Carousel, Hero Scene or even a whole Front Page, the visual, drag & drop editor will let you tell your own stories in no time! You can have our 20 custom built revolution sliders in your downloads.



Building eCommerce websites never has been easy like that. We've developed shop elements which gives you layout freedom for your singular or custom layouts. Our dedicated 2 full demos gives you tons of chance to start from a few level ahead.

Mega Menu

The Event Calendar

Unlimited icons

Header builders

Custom 404 pages

Contact form 7

Footer builder

Proper Google fonts

5 Custom Post types

Page title builder

Multisite compatible

5+ custom widgets

Redux compatible

This theme is customizable with layout settings and several other theme options panal based on Redux framework plugin.

WPML compatible

Lagom theme is fully translatable and compatible with WPML that means you can convert this item to any custom language.

Child theme compatible

Yes child theme has been added with Lagom theme package. Keep your personal changes and deeper customization in it.

Cross browser compatible

Customers use different browsers and it is more professional to have a website that will fit and be compatible with all of them.

Seo Ready

SEO is one of the most important metric of your site. Without reach your content will be difficult for search engines to find no matter how great the content is.

Custom brand color supports

For purpose of inheriting your brand book, theme has custom brand color allowed. Pick your color code and see familiar feeling in a seconds.

Retina ready

We have focused on everything scalable. Used vector and font icons. Prevented raster details and using css codes or SVG formats.

One click data

Have our demo content with a few mouse clicks is save your time for building same blocks what we are offering already.


Lagom is based on 12 columns UI kit framework and scalable and responsive on any different screen resolution.

Optimized for speed

Visitors may not be willing to visit your website again simply because it takes speed. Our theme is light and compatible with compression and cache plugins.

Custom page designs

All our content pages are declared pretty on PSD pages and converted to WordPress. Everything is original and unique for their concepts.

Lifetime Free updates

Our customers can have all our new designs and monthly 2 new concepts with a single license purchase. Stunning proposal, isn't it?

Video Tutorials

We are providing you easy and step by step tutorials for every single part of the theme. You can watch those once and see how our theme is easy, customizable and potential for your need. And we provide you some hidden tricks as screencast tips for your creatives.

Installation: Next WordPress Theme

Post & Page options: Next WordPress Theme

Theme Options: Next WordPress Theme

Visual composer: Config, new elements & predefined templates